Saturday, 22 February 2014

Out of the Silence

“Movement reaches our deepest nature, and dance creatively expresses it. Through dance, we can gain new insights into the mystery of our inner lives.  Dance has the profound power to heal the body, psyche and soul.” Anna Halprin

It is easy to be overwhelmed by our past traumas. The pressures of daily life do not seem to give the time or the space to allow for healing and recovery of past traumas. Health; balance and well being begins with connecting to our innate body’s inner wisdom.

In stressful situations I have often forgotten to trust my intuition and become overwhelmed by worry.  For me dance brings me to a place of healing, when I connect to my common sense and start to trust my intuition and reconnect to the power of dance, I have stopped being overwhelmed, I find it easier to make decisions and it gives me greater sense of well being and joy.

In my life experience all challenges, pain and suffering are powerful doorways to transform my life for the better.  My healing journey keeps revealing the wisdom of the body, through motion and dance has the natural power to heal all wounds and discover new insights.

The body has its own inner wisdom that is within us all, we must trust our own physical instincts to guide us to find balance and well being.

Through moving our body in rhythm and joy we connect to our vitality and when we connect to the felt sense we release physical tension and awaken and heal deeply hidden emotions. Connecting to the wisdom of our sensual selves we can unite and express our creativity and dance into the innate joy of life.

Body’s Inner Wisdom
Our body’s inner wisdom; our gut feeling, an inner knowing, the gentle sensation that expresses our inner truth, is our body calling to us and it is devoted to our well being. Our body’s wisdom is a fundamental part of us that guides us through life if we listen.  The gentle nudges of sensation; locked jaw, tight shoulders, stomach ache may be your body’s signals to gain your attention that all is not well to keep us safe.

My stomach expressed my distress in physical symptoms when doctors could not find anything wrong. My body was shouting all was not well and was demanding me to ‘pay attention', not a physical problem but an emotional one and my body had enough. I gradually started to listen to my inner signals again, slowly taking tiny steps in the right direction reconnecting to my inner wisdom.

Just because we cannot explain these feelings, doesn’t mean that we should ignore them according to scientific research, our instincts and body’s wisdom are more reliable in decision making, than our conscious brain. It can be a physical sensation, as sense, a knowing but it can be easy to dismiss and ignored due to the stress of every day life. Finding the courage to listen to these inner signals are essential for our healing, health and well being.

When I have been disconnected from my body’s wisdom I have been in a continual state of anxiety and worry.  I would take on too much; I would not trust my ability to say no.  I found it difficult to trust my feelings and filled my time being very busy to avoid my feelings and the reality of the situation.

Once I started to reawaken to my intuition and body’s wisdom I began to find answers to all kinds of challenges in everyday life, my mind, heart and energy received intuitive information that lovingly guides me.

It is important to trust the power of love and your body’s inner wisdom when you encounter life challenges, Life gives us difficult times and they happen to all of us, it is important to find the courage to look deep within and find the blessings from difficult life experiences. When we experience life challenges it is vital to connect to your heart, your inner wisdom and the power of dance is an innate and joyful approach to explore healing and growth.

Dance is the most natural form of human expression and an innate form of healing. With courage and common sense my intuition passionately continues to guide me in my dance practice, performance and healing work. I feel dance is our connection to divine spirit, the loving energy of the universe and it and allows us to connect to joyfully experience life.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein

Disclaimer: The information contained on this web page is intended as general guidance and information only. Laurastanyer and its authors accept no liability for any loss, injury or damage however incurred as a consequence, whether directly or indirectly, of the use this information. All advice on this web page should only be used under the supervision of a qualified dance / fitness / healthcare professional.

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